The first prosecution of FGM in Australia

“Much ado about nothing…”

FGM is a cruel crime agianst innocent girls
FGM is a cruel crime agianst innocent girls

After a teacher in New South Wales had reported to the police a suspicion of FGM committed on two of her pupils complaining about abdominal pains, inspectors intervened swiftly.

An interview with both sisters revealed that their parents arranged this cruel ritual together with Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri, a circumciser known as KM in the Dawoodi Bohra Shia Muslim community when each of them was seven years old.

According to the wiretapped recordings used by the police in an investigation, mother of the two cut girls was very angry when she learned they told the inspectors the truth, even though both she and her husband categorically denied having anything to do with this barbaric practice. “I told you not to say to anyone. Now we are in trouble (…)”, said the mother to her older daughter.

During the trial the defence of the circumciser and parents said that “there is much ado about nothing”, because the cuts are very little and girls' genitalia appear normal.

There are many more cases like this and a proper execution is necessary! We can’t let parents get away with cutting their children!

Please support our fight against FGM here!

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