FINALLY: Fatwa against FGM in Europe!

Head of the Islamic center in Dublin, Shaykh Dr. Umar Al-Qadri, takes an important step in the fight against FGM and issues a fatwa against FGM "in all its forms".

He emphasizes that FGM has nothing to do with Islam or any other religion.

Although a long time ago this tradition was accepted - today the serious physical and psychological consequences of this ritual are known and acknowledged. Therefore FGM is considered impermissible and sinful.

Dr. Umar Al-Qadri demands from all Muslims to speak out against  the practice of female genital mutilation and to do everything possible to protect threatened girls and report all cases of FGM to authorities!

In order to stop the cruel ritual of female genital mutilation, the support of religious authorities is of great importance due to their high reputation in Muslim society.

We urge all religious leaders to be aware of their moral responsibility and follow this example!


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