1 million Desert Flower educational boxes for Africa's children
In Africa, only one in 30 school children has a schoolbook. Many pupils can neither read nor write even after eight years of school attendance, as no school materials are available. 42 percent of the African population are therefore still illiterate - the majority of them are girls and women!
Many statistics show that the education crisis is promoting poverty, a high birth rate and the widespread spread of FGM. The fight against FGM can only be successful if we invest specifically in education.
For this reason, Waris Dirie, together with a team of educators, has written "My Africa - The Journey", the first reading book for children in Africa. It tells the story of little Desert Flower Waris and her brother Mo, who set off on a journey to discover their home in Africa. In addition to the story, Waris Dirie's first reading book contains numerous exercises to help the children learn to read and write.
The goal of our education campaign is to give 1 million children in Africa their first Desert Flower education box and thus open the door to a better future. It is the first important step to effectively fight illiteracy and thus poverty and FGM in Africa. We firmly believe that education is the solution to the problem of genital mutilation, which is why we want to put an end to the high illiteracy rate with the first reading book for children.
The box contains: First reading book, exercise book, set of pencils, sharpener, ruler, eraser and school backpack.