Bravo, Gambia!

Journalists declare media war against FGM

Group Picture of Participants at Media Advocacy on UN Ban on FGM
Group Picture of Participants at Media Advocacy on UN Ban on FGM

One of our main demands will now be fulfilled in Gambia:

Journalists from various media houses across Gambia have declared war against FGM using their respective medium.

The declaration was made at the end of a weeklong training session, named “End FGM Media Academy” at a hotel in Kololi.

The programme brought together media practitioners and activists from across the country to equip them with tools, knowledge and strategies in the fight against FGM.

Amadou O. Bah from Bwiam Community Radio said it was high time that the issue of FGM is brought to the media, particularly the community radios.

He said media advocacy can help put an end to "this brutal and inhuman way of torturing women and girls, all in the name of culture".

Several other journalists all denounced the practice, and called for more human interest stories, radio talk shows and TV documentaries depicting the horrific nature of FGM.

Bravo, Gambia!

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