There is no harmless mutilation!

Tolerance for FGM is ignorance of human rights

FGM is a crime
FGM is a crime

For 15 years I have been fighting against FGM with my “Desert Fower Foundation”. FGM has been a trauma to me and is a trauma to every single woman affected by it.

Now two US-gynaecologists in “Journal of Medical Ethics” argue that certain procedures ought to be tolerated by liberal societies.

Permitting this compromise would better protect girls and young women form the long term harms of the more severe forms of “female gential cutting”, they suggest.

Dr. Cornelia Strunz, head of our “Desert Flower Center” Waldfriede in Berlin, works with FGM victims every day. She vehemently opposes this approach. Every form of FGM causes a trauma.

“The suggestions of the US-gynaecologists is a typical example of how good intentions are the opposite of good”, concludes Roland Scherer, chief physician of the Center for Intestinal and Pelvic Floor Surgery and medical director of our Desert Flower Center.

It is a long and hard way, to stop this cruel ritual on girls. “To allow a little mutilation, does not help, quite the contrary”, Scherer says.

This has nothing to do with tolerance, it is pure ignorance.

EVERY form of FGM is

a violation of physical integrity of children
a cut right into the dignity of women
a means to try to control and suppress women
a crime against humanity and
a crime against human rights!

Stop this nonsense immediately!

Waris Dirie

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