Britain introduces new lesson plan in the fight against FGM

Now British schools are planning to teach students about female genital mutilation

FGM has been a criminal offence in Britain since 1985, still they are over 100 000 women and girls aged between 15-49 affected by FGM in the United Kingdom.

Now British schools are planning to teach students about female genital mutilation in order to stop the cruel practice.

Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, said secondary schools will be able to teach a course on FGM starting the next academic year. These courses will include experts coming to school and teaching pupils about the dangers of FGM, and what to do if they or their friends are at risk.

Unfortunately the courses will not be compulsory, but it’s a step in the right direction!

Education is crucial in the fight against FGM! We demand educational work on every possible level in order to eradicate the cruel procedure!

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