Great Britain already introduced a non-compulsory curriculum on FGM in schools, but the number of victims is still rising.
Now doctors are calling schools to give compulsory lessons on tackling violence against women, since the government failed to protect girls against female genital mutilation.
The "personal, social, health and economic" classes should be "rights based" and could help the children to combat all other forms of exploitation, by knowing that they don't have to accept violence.
Considering new interior minister's (Amber Rudd) vow to end FGM, this would be a first right move to tackle this cruel procedure. However Rudd remains undetermined saying the idea would stay "under review" and each school should be free to determine its curriculum.
Rudd's decision is not enough! Classes on violence, including FGM, will educate young people and will form their way of thinking and acting against violence in the future.
Today's young people are the hope for a next FGM-free generation!