Dear supporters,
This year my Desert Flower Foundation and I are setting our focus on education, in order to fight FGM.
It’s only the beginning of the year, but there is a lot to do and I need YOU if we are going to get there.
There million of young girls and women who need our help.
And we need YOU to achieve great things.
Here are 4 ways that you can help me this year.
1. Spread the word about FGM and our new education project „Desert Flower Power“
Over 200 million girls and women are affected by FGM worldwide.
Education is crucial in the fight against this cruel crime.
We know that and you know that, now we need to tell everyone else.
Help us spread the word by sharing our posts on your social media accounts and simply telling friends, families and work colleagues.

2. Fundraise for Desert Flower Foundation
You love to compete in sports competitions, organise baking sales or any other kind of events? Why not do it for a good cause and fundraise for the Desert Flower Foundation?
Every year hundreds of people get involved and organise fundraising events. We are here to help you! Send us your idea and we will supply you with information.

3. Give a first reading book to a child in Africa
Education is crucial in the fight against FGM!
By giving a first reading book to a child in Africa you are helping to set an end to the world's highest illiteracy rate.
Only one out of 20 children in Africa owns a textbook.
Help to end FGM and support our education project!

4. Save a Little Desert Flower
Together with your help we are saving girls from being cut. Our goal is to save every Little Desert Flower from this cruel crime. Become a sponsor and ensure a girl's integrity and education.
Find out more about how you can save a Little Desert Flower here: Save a Little Desert Flower

Thank you for your support!
LOVE Waris