The foundation walls are up, soon the roof will come
Waris Dirie provides school education for children.
Here are the next pictures (see left below) of the construction progress of the first "Desert Flower school" in Sierra Leone (West Africa). The school is growing. And grows. And grows. The foundation walls have been built, soon the roof will come. The realization of this school for over 400 children is a key project in our fight against the terrible practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).
Education for non-circumcision of girls - that is our deal! In order for parents to be able to send their children to school at all, they have to sign a contract. Only then will there be support. Twice a year, the integrity of the girls is checked by a pediatrician on site.
"Education for children and an income for women are necessary to abolish the crime FGM", explains Waris Dirie. Economic independence is the best protection against female genital mutilation. "An economically independent woman will not yield so quickly to the pressure of a group," Waris Dirie continues. "The poorest countries in Africa have not only the highest illiteracy rate, but also the highest FGM rate. That's why we're building these schools in Sierra Leone, where unfortunately 94 percent of girls are still circumcised."
The construction of the first "Desert Flower school" in Sierra Leone is a milestone. All this was made possible thanks to your generous donations!