Our Mission

10,000,000 signatures to #endfgm

Every year 3.5 million girls are mutilated against their will in the genital area. This means that every seven seconds a little girl in this world is circumcised. Very often with brutal tools such as non-disinfected razor blades and broken glass. Female genital mutilation (FGM) has nothing to do with religion, culture or tradition. It is a crime. It is brutal. It is unacceptable.

FGM can cause serious physical and psychological problems for victims. This bloody practice has no right to exist in the 21st century. With our #endfgm signature campaign we demand that ...

  • All people worldwide recognize female genital mutilation (FGM) as a common problem that no one can close their eyes to anymore.
  • Every religious community speaks out loudly and clearly against FGM.
  • Every victim of FGM who needs help also gets help.
  • All governments of the world pass laws that punish perpetrators and helpers fairly.
  • Every discovery of FGM in minors must immediately be reported to a public prosecutor.
  • All countries of the world should regard FGM as a political persecution and recognize it as a reason for asylum.
  • Everyone is informed that genital mutilation is not part of a culture, but a crime.
  • Everyone who works in the health system is informed about FGM and knows how to deal with victims and how to help them.
  • Every woman can be operated back free of charge on request and psychologically cared for.
  • All FGM aid organizations are finally provided with enough money so that they can work effectively and sustainably.

Once we have achieved our target of 10 million signatures, we will hand them over to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the European Union and the President of the African Union, calling for the fight against female genital mutilation to be given top priority at last.

#10miosignatures. Raise your voice, sign here!


change & hope

Razor blades and broken glass

To this day, thousands of young girls are genital mutilated every day by this terrible practice. FGM is one of the most brutal and worst forms of violence against children and women. The suffering must be stopped once and for all.

There are an estimated 200 million girls and women worldwide who have been circumcised. The number of unreported cases is probably much higher, since the bloody procedure is very often carried out in secret. The ritual is usually performed on girls before their 15th birthday. Without anaesthesia and with primitive cutting tools such as unclean razor blades, broken glass, knives and scissors. This cruel practice exposes the victims to extreme pain and usually persecutes them throughout their lives. It happens again and again that children even die from the consequences of FGM, for example because they bleed to death or get blood poisoning. One thing is certain: This terrible procedure is the most serious bodily injury! The girls are also brutally robbed of their right to integrity and self-determination over their own bodies.

Every day thousands of girls are brutally mutilated without anaesthesia. Very often the procedure is carried out in secret.
What madness! The brutal operations are often performed with cutting tools such as non-sterilized razor blades.

Change and hope

In order to defeat FGM successfully, a radical rethink is necessary. This can only be achieved through targeted enlightenment. And this is exactly what Waris Dirie and the work of the Desert Flower Foundation, which she founded, have been standing for years.

As a symbol for our #endfgm campaign we have chosen the Protea flower. Why? In Africa it stands for change and hope. With this campaign we want to change something worldwide so that millions of girls and women can hope again. The cruel and inhuman procedure of female genital mutilation no longer has a place in our world. The best way to finally eliminate this brutal practice is to educate the people affected. It is important to strengthen the girls and women so that they can lead a more self-determined life. We have the chance to put an end to suffering by shaking everyone awake. With 10 million signatures, nobody can look the other way. No organization, no government, no politician and no media. With our signatures we defeat the ignorance which unfortunately still prevails worldwide against FGM. It is not my fight. It is our fight. With this signature campaign we have declared war on FGM!

The Protea flower (top left) is a symbol for our campaign. Waris Dirie during her last visit in Sierra Leone (top right & below left). Our campaign photo shot by star photographer Rankin (below right).